Stanmore French Translator

French Translation Services for Stanmore

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  • French Translator for Stanmore

    For all translation requirements, email us directly at: or use the form below to upload your documents for review.

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      Stanmore French Translation Service

      • Experienced NAATI French translator
      • Sydney Translation is a leading migration translation services provider based in Australia
      • Trusted NAATI translation services for Stanmore and Australia-wide
      • Default delivery by e-mail and optional post in Australia

      Document Translation Services

      Stanmore French translation services for personal document and business document translations.

      For all enquiries, you can email us directly for a quote:

      Stanmore Translation Service

      • Stanmore Passport Translation Service
      • Stanmore Birth or Death Certificate Translation
      • Stanmore Licence Translation for Vehicle Rentals
      • Stanmore Multilingual Design and Translation Services
      • Stanmore NAATI Certified Translations

      NAATI Certified Translation for Stanmore

      Certified translation examples from Sydney Translation Services.

      Driver License Birth Certificate Passport Translation Marriage Certificate Death Certificate Divorce Certificate Degree Certificate No-Criminal Record

      Stanmore Translators

      Stanmore Arabic Translator Stanmore Chinese Translator Stanmore German Translator Stanmore French Translator
      Stanmore Japanese Translator Stanmore Vietnamese Translator Stanmore Greek Translator Stanmore Croatian Translator
      Stanmore Hungarian Translator Stanmore Swedish Translator Stanmore Hindi Translator Stanmore Serbian Translator
      Stanmore Norwegian Translator Stanmore Spanish Translator Stanmore Dutch Translator Stanmore Indonesian Translator
      Stanmore Turkish Translator Stanmore Estonian Translator Stanmore Italian Translator Stanmore Polish Translator
      Stanmore Tagalog Translator Stanmore Slovenian Translator Stanmore Czech Translator Stanmore Persian Translator
      Stanmore Finnish Translator Stanmore Korean Translator Stanmore Portuguese Translator Stanmore Thai Translator
      Stanmore Bosnian Translator Stanmore Macedonian Translator Stanmore Punjabi Translator Stanmore Ukrainian Translator
      Stanmore Danish Translator Stanmore Russian Translator Stanmore Urdu Translator Stanmore Malay Translator

      The French Language

      • French is a Romance language spoken by about 220 million people worldwide.
      • It is the official language in 29 countries and is known as the language of diplomacy and international relations.
      • French has a significant cultural influence, with contributions to art, literature, and philosophy.

      About Stanmore

      Stanmore is a suburb in the Inner West of Sydney, in New South Wales, Australia 6 kilometres south-west of the Sydney central business district. It is part of the local government area of Marrickville Council. Stanmore was named by a prosperous saddler, John Jones, who purchased land in 1835 where Newington College now stands and called it the Stanmore Estate.

      Jones named it after his birthplace of Stanmore,now a north west suburb of London. Land in the present Stanmore area was first allocated to colonial officers by Governor Phillip between 1793 and 1810. Thomas Rowley owned Kingston Farm which occupied the eastern half of Stanmore and much of Newtown, and a portion of George Johnston's Annandale estate covered the area south of Parramatta Road containing Annandale House built in 1799 on the hill between Macaulay and Albany Roads. It was from here where Johnston marched with his troops to Castle Hill on 5 March 1804 to quell the convict revolt and where he rode on 26 January 1808 to arrest Governor Bligh during the Rum Rebellion. The first Norfolk pines on the Australian mainland were planted along the line of Percival Road, leading to Parramatta Road by Lt Colonel George Johnston.

      Stanmore Road was constructed in 1835 and early development occurred in this area. In 1855, the railway divided Stanmore in to areas known as North and West Kingston north of the railway, and South Kingston south of the railway. The Kingston Farm had been sold to James Holt in 1835, and North Kingston was subdivided in 1854. South Kingston (between the railway and Stanmore Road) was slowly subdivided from 1857 with isolated large houses built between 1860 and 1870. It was not until the late 19th century that the name Stanmore came into more regular use, replacing Kingston.

      Other French Translation Service Locations

      St Marys French Translator, St Peters French Translator, Stanhope Gardens French Translator, Strathfield French Translator, Summer Hill French Translator, Surry Hills French Translator.